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Alnoor Ladha defines an 'economic system' as the intricate web of social arrangements and structures through which a society organizes the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. He emphasizes that an economic system extends beyond mere financial transactions and market dynamics, embedding cultural, ethical, and political dimensions that reflect the collective values and power relations within that society. Ladha argues that economic systems are not monolithic but are fluid and influenced by evolving socio-economic realities and ecological constraints. This perspective underscores the importance of reimagining and restructuring economic paradigms to prioritize ecological balance, social equity, and community well-being over profit maximization and growth-centric models.

See also: neoliberal capitalism, capitalist system, post capitalism, late-stage capitalism, thought form

#WorldVsBank: The World vs. the World Bank (w/ Alnoor Ladha) 952

Connection at the Heart of Activism | Shilpa Jain, Pat McCabe, and Alnoor Ladha 607

Sacred activism and being of place - Alnoor Ladha & Helena Norberg-Hodge 595

The Kali Yuga & Deconstructing Capitalism - Alnoor Ladha | The Momentom Podcast 319

Alnoor Ladha on Post-Capitalism, Mystical Anarchism And Solidarity - E123 153

ALNOOR LADHA on Capitalists and Other Cannibals /49 120

Aly Khan & Alnoor Ladha of Brave Earth: Building Community 76